(7-Oct-2012) - A Thanksgiving Update.. 

[ Listening to : The Glitch Mob - Bad Wings ]
So it's been quite the week, I realized that :-
  • I was overcomplicating the type of work involved with my research. I will have to make some minor changes to my thesis proposal though
  • I don't really mind the taste of tofu in a curried pasta type dish

  • with temperatures dropping fast, i need to stock up on moisturizer (you may have one of my 'man' cards for that one) 

  • I needed to have a decent monogram for my website, perhaps one designed by a professional?
Following that last point, I got a hold of my "t-sis" ('twin' sister cause we share the same birth date - i'm 3 hours elder.. btw..), Manolia, to design a cleaner monogram for me. She's a professional graphic designer with expertise in branding and logo designs. 
Her first draft of designs can be seen above. All clean and unique, I was having a hard time selecting one. Any who, after some deliberation and minor adjustments we both agreed on the current logo you see on the top left hand corner of this blog page. Sure beats the amateur design i had up earlier. I'm not very decisive when it comes to typography.
In other news, the effects of fall season can be noticed all around the city. Trees are transitioning as leaves change colours from orange to red to yellow (when on the ground). I wanted to get out during this period and take advantage of all the vivid colours before the trees are left bare and covered in snow. The results were ok in my view. It was a cold day with thick clouds looming above. This made the whole process of attaining some dynamic shots quite mute.

The photos shown above, besides and below display some of the post processed results. 
I've also been experimenting with some long-exposure shots lately. I personally hate using a tripod and try to stay away from it as much as i can but these shots really do demand a degree of stability so i had to cave.

The shot seen below is the best i could muster, out of all efforts so far. It was clicked right outside my apartment building where the lighting is soo poor that the shot, taken at f22, had to be set at a shutter speed of 30 seconds to get decent exposure. I like the final outcome, though I wish i was in a bigger city to redo this shot... Dubai perhaps?
Finally, I will leave you with a powerful quote from Diane Arbus..
“A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know...”

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